Nillion ICO presale On Coinlist


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Token sale completed on 28 June
$14M $14M 100%
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Nillion ICO presale On Coinlist

Nillion: The Future of Private AI

Imagine a digital clone of yourself, an AI that knows you better than you know yourself. Exciting or scary, it’s coming—and it faces a major challenge: data privacy.

Currently, private data computation across global networks isn’t possible, hindering the mass adoption of personalized AI. That’s why experts from Uber, Coinbase, Google, Amazon, and more spent three years creating Nillion, the internet’s foundation for private data.

Nillion offers Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) for innovative applications like Personalized AI. This technology keeps data encrypted even during use, crucial for the future of AI and beyond. Nillion’s Blind Computation has attracted developers in AI, DeFi, wallets, identity, messaging, and more.

Key Highlights:

  • New AI Paradigm: Nillion’s blind computation network keeps data and models private, providing a decentralized alternative to public AI networks.
  • Blind Computation for All: With unique private data capabilities, Nillion supports diverse use cases, including quantum secure messaging and healthcare analytics, partnering with over 35 companies.
  • Orchestration Layer: Nillion integrates various cryptographic technologies like Multi-Party Computation (MPC), Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) for a robust cryptographic foundation.
  • Expert Team: Nillion’s team includes founders of web3 and web2 companies and veterans from Coinbase, Google, Amazon, and more.

Nillion is revolutionizing data privacy for the next generation of AI and beyond.

Token Sale: 19 June — 28 June
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