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Token sale completed on 22 June
$175K $175K 100%
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Enzym is a decentralized social network designed to foster real-life interactions through a gamified experience. It tackles the isolation and prevalence of fake accounts on current social platforms by encouraging genuine meetings. Users engage in real-world activities to earn ZYM tokens, which circulate within the app to build a network of trust. Enzym’s unique Offline SocialChain addresses internet connectivity issues during events, creating ephemeral, localized social networks that eventually sync data when nodes connect to the internet.


  • Offline-First Social Chain: A network of smartphones that works without internet, syncing data when possible.
  • ZYM Token: A digital currency used within the app for rewards and transactions.
  • Event-Based Interaction: Users complete missions and challenges to meet in real life, verified by QR codes and certified selfies.
  • Privacy and Security: End-to-end encryption protects private messages and content.
  • Reputation System: Users and nodes are self-moderated based on their behavior.
  • Decentralization: The app is built on the Ethereum blockchain, promoting transparency and trust.
Token Sale: 19 June — 22 June
Blockchain Network
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